APO & GameNshare


Start playing Adventure! The Paladin Order (APO) and share your best game moments with GameNshare.

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What is GameNshare?

GameNshare was Joana's master thesis and consisted in the development of a social overlay for desktop games developed in Unity3D. This project was evaluated by Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto (ISEP) with the score of 18 (0-20). Additionally, it was presented and published in INForum 2015 that nominated it for best paper.

Technical details

GameNshare's client side was developed in Unity3D environment with Mono 2.6 (a C# open-source version). For the video record was also used the FFMPEG library. The web server used a basic ASP.NET MVC 4.5 website and a MySQL database. Regarding to external social networks were integrated Facebook C# SDK (compatible with Facebook Graph API v 2.2), Twitter REST API 1.1 and Youtube API v 3.0.


The paper "Social Media Integration in Video Games"​ about Joana's master thesis was presented in the session of Computer and Cultural Contents (CCC) of the 7th Portuguese Symposium on Computer Sciences (INForum'15). For being considered the best paper in the session of CCC, it was nominated for the best paper award


This beta demo and "known bugs and limitations" list can be downloaded in the below link. This demo was tested and integrated with APO (multiplaform Unity3D game). It includes many features like capture and share of screnshots, videos, game stories and party system with social network friends. This version contains bugs, imperfections and performance issues. Also many features are still under development and subject to improvement, including but not limited to: video record, broadcast and craft.

GameNshare Demo